sveltekit-web3-starter Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Web3 Starter

A SvelteKit Web3 Starter Template based on ethers.js, WalletConnect, and Web3Modal.


Everything you need to build a Web3 Svelte project, powered by ethers, walletconnect, web3modal, and create-svelte;

Getting started

By default, this project expects a walletconnect provider and infura ID. Before you can run this project locally, you need to create a .env file with the following:


Once present, you can start and build the project like any other SvelteKit project

What's here?

Currently this is just a basic example of a Web3 connector component. Look at src/lib/Web3.svelte and src/routes/index.svelte for more details.


If this project sees any interest I will continue expanding on the examples, develop some convenience components for tailwind, unocss, etc..., and look into supporting svelte-add and/or degit or something. Just let me know what you want to see.

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