

Node.js esmodules loader for Svelte, and SvelteKit.

This is primarily intended to be used along with uvu for testing svelte components using esm imports.


npm install --save-dev @jerrythomas/svelte-esm-loader@beta

Add the test script to your package.json

"script": {
    "test": "NODE_OPTIONS='--experimental-loader @jerrythomas/svelte-esm-loader' uvu test"


  • Set { type: 'module' } in your package.json.
  • Are using ESmodule import statements in your .js test files.
  • Don't mind experimental non-production code.

With this, you can:

  • Successfully import .svelte components
    • JS code will be compiled using svelte/compile.
    • If a custom config file exists, component will be pre-processed with svelte/preprocess and [svelte-preprocess][preprocess].
  • No-op import .css files without failure (helpful for testing).
    • Other asset file extensions from the preprocessor config (e.g. .postcss) will also be no-op imported without failure.
  • Successfully import from aliased paths ($lib, $app) in SvelteKit.
    • import { goto } from $app/navigation, will load successfully as a no-op.
    • import Count from $lib/Count.svelte will import from src/lib/Count.svelte
    • imports from custom aliases configured in svelte.config.js will work
  • Support directory import and import from files without extensions
    • import { something } from $lib/core will import from src/lib/core/index.js or src/lib/core.js
  • Utilities for rendering a component and firing events for testing


Here we have a simple Svelte component:

  // Component.svelte -- A simple example Svelte component to test.
  import './styles/layout.css'

  const star = 'Sun'


  strong {
    color: orange;

Node.js will ordinarily fail on the following import, as it doesn't know how to handle .svelte (and the included .css) files:

// Component.test.js -- Test a Svelte component.
import Component from './Component.svelte'

The same code will work successfully if we start Node.js with our loader:

NODE_OPTIONS="--experimental-loader @jerrythomas/svelte-esm-loader" npm run test


Here we have a more complex Svelte component, which requires preprocessing for it's advanced features:

  // Component.svelte -- A complex example Svelte component to test.

  // ADD: .postcss import
  import './styles/page.postcss'

  const star = 'Sun'

<!-- ADD: <template> tag from svelte-preprocess -->
  <div class="planet">

<!-- ADD: postcss w/nesting -->
<style lang="postcss">
  .planet {
    strong {
      color: orange;

We'll create a new custom config file to hold our [svelte-preprocess][preprocess] settings:

// svelte-preprocess.config.js -- A custom home for our preprocess settings.
export default {
  postcss: true,

And now we can have our advanced Svelte component compile correctly:

If you happen to use [SvelteKit][sveltekit], and don't want to repeat the processor settings, you can change your svelte.config.js to pull in the config from our custom file:

// svelte.config.js -- SvelteKit config file.
import sveltePreprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'

const { default: sveltePreprocessConfig } = await import(

export default {
  // ...,
  preprocess: [
    // ...,


  • Importing .json files can be accomplished with experimental node flag --experimental-json-modules.
  • Leaving off the .js extension works.
  • You can import module folders, assuming that index.js exists in the folder.
  • Import aliases (from '$utils/draw.js') works. This relies on svelte.config.js.


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