Tutorial: Deploying a basic Svelte app on Jekyo

Demo app here


Make sure you have NodeJS, npm and git installed.

If it's your first time using Jekyo, you can install it by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g jekyo

Sign in to Jekyo

You can sign in to Jekyo by running jekyo user:signin

➜  ~ jekyo user:signin 
Your email?: **************
Your password?: **********
You have successfully signed in!

If you don't have a Jekyo account, you can create one in the terminal by running jekyo user:signup.

1. Create a basic Svelte app

You can start your Svelte project by using jekyo create

Using the arrows on your keyboard, select svelte and press enter.

? Select template
  None Creates only the application
  expressjs A basic app skeleton using [Express](https://expressjs.com/)     
  nuxt-js A boilerplate SSR application using [Nuxt.js](https://nuxtjs.org/) 
❯ svelte A basic Svelte starter app [Svelte](https://svelte.dev/)

When prompted, enter the desired name for your Svelte app.

Application name?: svelte-tutorial

This will create a basic Svelte app in the current directory by cloning this Svelte starter app repository.

Cloning source code... OK
Application created!

Deploy the Svelte app on Jekyo

To deploy the app, first navigate to the newly created directory:

cd svelte-tutorial

Now you can deploy this app to Jekyo by running:

jekyo deploy

After a while, you should see something like this:

➜  Fetching source code ... OK
➜  Building application, this might take a while ... OK
➜  Publishing application, this might take a while  ... OK
➜  Deploying application ... OK        
➜  Waiting for application to start ... OK
➜  Visit your app on: https://svelte-tutorial.jekyo.app ... OK

You can now browse to your Svelte app on https://svelte-tutorial.jekyo.app (replace 'svelte-tutorial' with your app name)

2. Deploying an existing Svelte app

Navigate to your local Svelte app directory

cd my-svelte-app

Initialize a git repository if you haven't already done so by running git init.

Create an empty Jekyo app:

jekyo create

Select 'none' using the arrows on your keyboard and press enter. This will create an app using your current directory.

? Select template (Use arrow keys)
❯ None Creates an application from your current directory

Name your app:

Application name?: my-svelte-app

Run jekyo link to link your local app to the remote Jekyo app. Select 'my-svelte-app' using the arrows on your keyboard and press enter.

? Select application (Use arrow keys)
❯ my-svelte-app

Now you can deploy this app to Jekyo by running:

jekyo deploy

After a while, you should see something like this:

➜  Fetching source code ... OK
➜  Building application, this might take a while ... OK
➜  Publishing application, this might take a while  ... OK
➜  Deploying application ... OK        
➜  Waiting for application to start ... OK
➜  Visit your app on: https://my-svelte-app.jekyo.app ... OK

You can now browse to your Svelte app on https://my-svelte-app.jekyo.app (replace 'my-svelte-app' with your app name)

Pushing local changes to Jekyo

Add the newly modified file(s) to the git index by using git add

git add

Create a git commit

git commit -m "your commit message"

Now, simply deploy your app again:

jekyo deploy

You will see your changes on your live app after a short while.

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