superforms-svelte-5 Svelte Themes

Superforms Svelte 5

A simple repo to demonstrate the failure of trying to implement recaptcha using sveltekit-superforms and svelte-5


A simple repository to demonstrate the failure of trying to implement google's recaptcha using sveltekit-superforms in svelte 5

To run

Simply run pnpm i, then pnpm run dev, and navigate to http://localhost:5173 and try to submit the form with the console open to see the results. The token, when fetched, is also displayed in a p tag

Temporary manual override

To see how this is done until the library is updated, using Svelte's built-in enhance methodology, visit/examine the content at /routes/m/+page.svelte


You'll need to set up a legacy reCAPTCHA Enterprise API key pair and store them in your .env file as "PUBLIC_GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY" and "GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY"

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