
Tabular Svelte Test

Test the tabular-svelte package



This repo is a test harness used to exercise the functionality of the tabular-svelte npm package.


To support this testing objective the tabular-svelte repo must be linked to rather than installed like one normally would for a normal npm package.

From a terminal window follow these steps to install the tabular-svelte repo:

cd <your-development-directory>
git clone
cd tabular-svelte
npm i
npm link

Next, install the tabular-svelte-test repo:

cd <your-development-directory>
git clone
cd tabular-svelte-testing
npm i
npm link <path-to-tabular-svelte-repo>

The npm link commands above create a link between the two repos so that tabular-svelte-test has access to the source code in tabular-svelte. This allows changes to be made to tabular-svelte and tested locally before they are published to npm.

To start & run the tabular-svelte-test app enter the npm run dev command from the terminal.

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