svelte-gitcal Svelte Themes

Svelte Gitcal

A Svelte component library for a github lookalike commit calendar

Svelte-gitcal component

A Github lookalike calender svelte component. Reading input from git log command and generate a git commit calendar.

Git log format supported:

git log log --all --pretty=format:%ad --date=short | sort | uniq -c


Based upon:


npm install --save-dev svelte-gitcal

Example usage with the colors as used on my demo page:

<script lang="ts">
  import GitCal from 'svelte-gitcal'

  // generate gitlog with:
  // $> git log --date=short --pretty=format:%ad | sort | uniq -c > git.log
  const gitlog = fetch('https://<somewhere>/<gitlog output>').then(r =>

{#await gitlog then data}
      commits0: '#6B7280',
      commits1: '#9FA4AE',
      commits2: '#BFC2C9',
      commits3: '#EAEBED',
      commits4: '#FFFFFF',
      'text-fill': '#F9FAFB'

The calendar lists the number of commits in 4 categories, based upon the max commits per day for the entire period, so commit colors are relative to the max nr of commits (hence the not to clear legend ;-) )


  • commits0: no commits
  • commits1: some commits
  • commits2: more commits
  • commits3: a lot
  • text-fill: fill style for legend and month texts
  • text-size: font-size for legend and month texts

Top categories

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