training-svelte_toDo_list Svelte Themes

Training Svelte_todo_list

To Do List CRUD with Svelte


:octocat: training-svelte_toDo_list

To Do List, is an Application build with Svelte, it's a basic exercise to learn how Svelte works, it allows basic CRUD operations using as backend a fake but very funtional REST API.


  • JavaScript
    • Svelte

Manual Installation

To get started you will first need the following installed on your machine.

Running locally

Then you can download this repository, open two terminals window and navigate to the folder in each terminal, and then type the following.

Terminal 1

Run Server

Type the following in your first terminal

cd app/src/db
json-server --watch db.json --port 4000

Terminal 2

Run Application

Type the following in your second terminal

cd app
npm i
npm start


User Interface

Go to the following URL on your browser


You can handle ToDo List (CRUD)

Data (Optional)

Go to the following URL on your browser to see data into server


Software Developer

Javier Andrés Garzón Patarroyo

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