Simple Svelte Quiz App

This is a simple Svelte quiz application. Given a JSON trivia document of questions & answers, you can very easily create a quiz web application.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run dev
  4. View the application on http://localhost:5000

Build & Deploy

  1. Run npm run build
  2. Deploy whatever is in the /public folder (If you use Firebase, this is already setup. Just configure with your project details and run firebase deploy.)

Creating Your Quiz

The application relies a .js file at /src/data/trivia.js. Inside is a structure like the following:

export const trivia = {
      // Question Text.
      q: "QUESTION 1",

      // The first answer will be treated as the correct answer. They will be displayed randomly, however.
      // For true/false, use booleans. ie. ([true, false])
      // For all other answer types, use strings
      a: ["ANSWER1", "ANSWER2", "ANSWER3"],

      // This will display underneath the answer on the results page. Useful for extra information, fun facts, or clarifications
      followup: "FOLLOW UP TEXT"

There is no max length for the trivia. A sample trivia data has been included.

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