
Collection of 115 standalone TikZ figures for illustrating concepts in physics, chemistry and machine learning.

Check out janosh.github.io to search, sort, open in Overleaf and download figures (PDF/SVG/PNG) from this collection.

Have a TikZ image you'd like to share? Submit a PR with a .tex and metadata .yml file in the assets/ directory and add yourself to the citation.cff file.


autoencoder aviary

basis-plus-lattice bloch-sphere

bose-einstein-distribution-3d bose-einstein-distribution

branch-and-bound branch-cuts-1

branch-cuts-2 change-of-variables

closed-string-topologies complex-sign-function

concave-functions conv2d

convex-functions convex-hull-of-stability

critical-temperature cylinder-to-plane

detailed-balance dft-choices

dft-mlff-cff-speed-accuracy-transfer diagrams

disk-to-plane divergence

dropout energy-distribution-functions

ergodic euler-angles

fermi-dirac-vs-temp ferroelectric-response

feynman-1 feynman-2

feynman-3 feynman-4

feynman-diagram-propagator-loop fluctuations

four-vs-of-data gan

geometric-bayes graph-isomorphism

gravitons harm-osc-energy-freq

harm-osc-energy-inv-temp hea

heatmap higgs-potential

isotherms jensens-inequality

k-space kohn-sham-cycle

loop loops

m-theory made

maf materials-informatics-challenges

materials-informatics matsubara-contour-1

matsubara-contour-2 matsubara-contour-3

matsubara-contour-4 matsubara-contour-5

matsubara-contour-deformation maxwell-boltzmann-distribution

mexican-hat ml-activations

mosfet mphil-gantt

nf-coupling-layer normalizing-flow

one-point open-string-topologies

operator-orderings organic-molecule

otto-cycle periodic-table

physics-mindmap plane-to-torus

plate-capacitor poles

potential-triangle propagator-fluctuations

propagators qm-cost-vs-acc

random-forest regular-vs-bayes-nn

relation-space rnvp

roost-update sabatier-principle

saddle-point sbs-aktionen

seebeck-effect self-attention

shell sign-plane

single-head-attention skip-connection

spontaneous-magnetization tanh

theory-space thermo-ensemble-trafos

thermo-ensemble-trafos thomson-scattering

tori torus-fundamental-domain

torus two-point-no-cutoff

two-point unregularized-propagator-diagrams

vae wall

wetterich-equation wyckoff-positions



Files in /scripts render and compress the standalone .tex files in /assets to various formats:

  • low + high-res PNG
  • PDF
  • SVG

To run the scripts requires the following dependencies:

To run pdf-compressor directly or to use it as part of the render-tikz.py pipeline, you need a free public API key from https://developer.ilovepdf.com. Pass it to pdf-compressor with:

pdf-compressor --set-api-key project_public_7c854a9db0...

📖   How to cite

You can cite the Zenodo record using the following BibTeX entry:

  title = {Collection of standalone TikZ images},
  author = {Riebesell, Janosh and Bringuier, Stefan},
  date = {2020-08-09},
  year = {2020},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7486911},
  url = {https://github.com/janosh/tikz},
  note = {10.5281/zenodo.7486911 - https://github.com/janosh/tikz},
  version = {0.1.0},
  urldate = {2023-01-01}, % optional, replace with your date of access

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