
Ocean artUp

Ocean artUp is a research project funded by an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council. It aims to study the feasibility, effectiveness, associated risks and potential side effects of artificial upwelling in increasing ocean productivity, raising fish production, and enhancing oceanic CO2 sequestration.

This site is built with Svelte and Contentful.


Running this site locally requires git and pnpm (or npm). With those installed, do:

  1. Clone the repo and change into its directory.

    git clone https://github.com/janosh/ocean-artup && cd ocean-artup
  2. (optional) Setup pre-commit hooks.

    pre-commit install
  3. Install dependencies.

    pnpm install
  4. Copy .env.example to .env.

    cp .env.example .env

    Then open .env and insert your Contentful space ID and access token. These are found in the settings menu of a Contentful space under 'API keys'.

  5. Start the dev server.

    pnpm dev


This site is deployed as static HTML to GitHub Pages (by this action).

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