svelte-component-template Svelte Themes

Svelte Component Template

An svelte template to create standalone components


A base for building shareable Svelte components. Based on Svelte component template

git clone [email protected]:jaimeCervantes/svelte-component-template.git
cd my-new-component
npm install # or yarn

Your component's source code lives in src/index.html.

Your component in action

  1. npm start
  2. In another termial run npm run serve
  3. Open your browser with http://localhost:1234/demo to see your component in action!
  4. Open your browser with http://localhost:1234/test to see your unit testing in action!

Unit testing

Your unit test should be in /test/ directory, to see your test just run npm start and go to http://localhost:1234/test

If you want to split your tests in several files just remember import these files in /test/tests.spec.js

¿How to create a native web component?

In the rollup.config.js file you can change the Svelte compiler option customElement to true

plugins: [
    cascade: false,
    store: true,
    customElement: false // Change this property to true

Then follow the instructions described in the Your component in action section

Consuming components

Your package.json has a "svelte" field pointing to src/index.html, which allows Svelte apps to import the source code directly, if they are using a bundler plugin like rollup-plugin-svelte or svelte-loader (where resolve.mainFields in your webpack config includes "svelte"). This is recommended.

For everyone else, npm run build will bundle your component's source code into a plain JavaScript module (index.mjs) and a UMD script (index.js). This will happen automatically when you publish your component to npm, courtesy of the prepublishOnly hook in package.json.

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