hennge-challenge Svelte Themes

Hennge Challenge

Coding challenge

Challenge Details

Coding challenge from Hennge, scroll down for solution or check RecipientsDisplay.svelte

# Install the dependencies
npm install

# Start in development mode
npm run dev

Suppose you just joined a team responsible for developing Email Audit system. Assume that this project is a real existing project and is already used in production environment on a trial basis (since the features are not yet complete), and are currently being developed by a team of frontend developers.

As your first assignment, you are tasked with implementing a component called RecipientsDisplay, to intelligently show email recipients inside the AuditTable component. We have prepared a barebones RecipientsDisplay component. Your task is to update the component to add these functionalities.

RecipientsDisplay component requirements:

Assume that an employee can send an email to a maximum of 5 recipients. Due to the limited amount of space, we want to make sure the information is displayed well. Our design team came up with this design:

  • If we can show the whole email addresses in the available space, then we can simply display them all separated by commas and a trailing space character (e.g. a, b).
  • When there is not enough space to display all recipients, we will trim the text. However, to prevent showing clipped email addresses that are hard to read, we should trim entire emails. If we cannot fit the entirety of an email address, it shouldn't be shown at all.
  • When at least one email address is trimmed, we will put a comma followed by ellipsis, surrounded by a space character (e.g. a, b, ...) at the end of the line. Furthermore, the rightmost end of the column should show a "badge" that shows how many email addresses are hidden (+N).
  • If there is not enough space to show the first email, the badge would show the number of extra emails that are not shown at all (the number of emails excluding the first email), and the email should be truncated with ellipsis. If there is only one recipient, there will be no badge, and the email should also be truncated by an ellipsis.
  • This functionality should work on any screen size. For simplicity, this will only be tested in a recent version of the Chrome browser.


Trim emails that doesn't fit the column, showing , ... behind the last shown email and +N at the cell's rightmost area

If there is not enough space to show ellipsis and the extra space, trim that email too



If there is not enough space to show the first email, the badge would show the number of extra emails that are not shown at all (the number of emails excluding the first email), and the email should be truncated with ellipsis. If there is only one recipient, there will be no badge

Two recipients:

One recipient:


  • Font size: 16px
  • Foreground color: #f0f0f0
  • Background color: #666666
  • Border radius: 3px
  • Top padding: 2px
  • Bottom padding: 2px
  • Left padding: 5px
  • Right padding: 5px

  • Font size: 16px
  • Foreground color: #333333
  • Top padding: 5px
  • Bottom padding: 5px
  • Left padding: 10px
  • Right padding: 10px


<script lang="ts">
  import { onMount, tick } from 'svelte'

  export let recipients: string[]

  let display = []
  let badge = 1 // Start at 1 for DOM to assess width of div with badge included
  let element: HTMLDivElement

  async function handleResize() {
    let total = 0
    display = recipients.map(recipient => ` ${recipient}`) // Add a space before each recipient

    for (let i = display.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
      await tick()
      const overflow = element.offsetWidth < element.scrollWidth
      if (overflow) display[i] = ' ...'
      if (display[i + 1]?.includes(' ...')) display.pop()
    total += recipients.length - display.length
    if (display[display.length - 1].includes(' ...')) total++
    badge = total

  onMount(() => {

  window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize)

<style lang="scss">
  section {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: 1fr min-content;
  div.recipient {
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
  div.badge {
    font-size: 16px;
    color: #f0f0f0;
    background-color: $color-primary;
    border-radius: 3px;
    padding: 2px 5px;
    margin-left: 10px;

  <div class="recipient" bind:this={element}>{display}</div>
  {#if badge > 0}
    <div class="badge">+ {badge}</div>

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