Svelte Wordpress Components

This is a collection of Svelte components, primarily useful for Wordpress admin pages.


import { Button } from 'svelte-wordpress-components';
function handleClick() {

<Button on:click={handleClick} primary={true} href="/">Click me!</Button>


Name Description Individual Component
Alert An alert. Alert.svelte
Button A button. Button.svelte
FormInput A form input. FormInput.svelte
FormTable A form table. FormTable.svelte
ListTable A list table. ListTable.svelte

Missing a component? Ask for it, or send me a pull request.


import { Alert } from 'svelte-wordpress-components';

<Alert type="success">Success!</Alert>


Name Type Default Description
type string 'info' The type of alert. Can be 'info', 'success', 'warning', or 'error'.
dismissible boolean false Whether the alert can be dismissed.
display_icon boolean true Whether to display an icon.
class string null The classes of the alert.


import { Button } from 'svelte-wordpress-components';

<Button primary={true} href="/">Click me!</Button>


Name Type Default Description
primary boolean false Whether the button is a primary button.
title string null The title of the link.
type string 'button' The type of button. Can be 'button', 'submit', or 'reset'.
id string null The ID of the button.
class string 'button' The classes of the button.
disabled boolean false Whether the button is disabled.
aria_label string null The aria-label of the button.
aria_hidden boolean false Whether the button is aria-hidden.
large boolean false Whether the button is large.
small boolean false Whether the button is small.
warning boolean false Whether the button is a warning button.
danger boolean false Whether the button is a danger button.
link boolean false Whether the button is a link.


import { FormInput } from 'svelte-wordpress-components';

<FormInput label="Name" name="name" value="John Doe" />


Name Type Default Description
id string null The ID of the input.
name string null The name of the input.
label string null The label of the input.
type string 'text' The type of input. Can be 'text', 'email', 'password', 'number', 'url', 'tel', 'date', 'time', 'datetime-local', 'month', 'week', 'color', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'textarea', 'select', 'file', or 'hidden'.
value string null The value of the input.
values array [] The values of radio and checkbox input.
description string null A description of the input that will display below the input.
class string null The classes of the alert.
placeholder string null The placeholder of the input.
required boolean false Whether the input is required.
readonly boolean false Whether the input is readonly.
disabled boolean false Whether the input is disabled.
options array [] The options of a checkbox, radio or select input.
multiple boolean false Whether a select input takes multiple options.
checked boolean false Whether a checkbox input is checked.
min string null The min of a number input.
max string null The max of a number input.
step string null The step of a number input.
pattern string null The pattern of the input.
rows string null The rows of a textarea input
cols string null The cols of a textarea input.
wrap string null Whether to wordwrap a textarea input.

Form Table

NOTE: Previously called Form

import { FormTable, FormInput } from 'svelte-wordpress-components';

    <FormInput label="Name" name="name" value="John Doe" />


Name Type Default Description
class string null The classes of the alert.
id string null The ID of the form.


A list table creates a table similar to a WP_List_Table.

import { ListTable } from 'svelte-wordpress-components';
const headers = [
            name: "select",
            key: "select",
            type: "select",
            name: "Name",
            key: "link_name",
            type: "unsafe",
            name: "Created",
            key: "createdAt",
            type: "date",
            name: "Active",
            key: "active",
            type: "boolean",
const data = [
            select: true,
            link_name: '<a href="#">John Doe</a>',
            createdAt: '2020-01-01',
            active: true,
            select: false,
            link_name: '<a href="#">Jane Doe</a>',
            createdAt: '2020-01-01',
            active: false,


<ListTable {headers} {data} />


Name Type Default Description
headers array [] The headers of the table.
data array [] The data of the table.
Name Type Default Description
name string null The name of the header.
key string null The key of the header.
type string null The type of the header. Can be 'select', 'image', 'text', 'link', 'date', 'number', 'boolean', or 'unsafe' (does not escape HTML).

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