sveltekit-adapter-static-local-image Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Adapter Static Local Image

Adaption of the standard static adapter from the Sveltekit team, including download of image within generated pages (for example, when using a separate CMS)


IMPORTANT: This repo has been replaced with a pluggable alternative. If you are using this repo, please change your code to use the new repo, as this repo will not be updated anymore.

Adaption of the standard static adapter from the Sveltekit team, including download of image within generated pages (for example, when using a separate CMS). For the basic usage of the Adapter, please view the static adapter documentation on the SvelteKit website.


Install with npm i -D @ivorgri/sveltekit-adapter-static-local-image, then add the adapter to your svelte.config.js:

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from '@ivorgri/sveltekit-adapter-static-local-image';

export default {
    kit: {
        adapter: adapter({
            // default options provided by regular static adapter
            pages: 'build',
            assets: 'build',
            fallback: null,
            precompress: false,
            // Add domain static image downloader
            cmsUrls: [""],
            // Added converted JPG/JPEG/PNG to WEBP images
            convertWebpImages: false



A list of strings containing the URLs from which you would like to download the images. The adapter will take these URLs and start going through the generated files. Once it finds a complete link, including an image extension, it will download the files into the "img" folder inside the folder that provided for "assets". Once all the files are downloaded, the URL in the generated files with be replaced with a relative link to the "img" folder.

Be aware: the adapter looks for the base URL which is similar for ALL images. Any dynamic routing (i.e. date sub directories) are added to the "img" folder.

For example, if you have the following URL:

You should provide the following URL:

The adapter will then create the following directory in the "img" folder:

└─── 2022
     └─── 02
          └─── 02
               |   image.jpg


When set to "true", the adapter will take all the JPG/JPEG/PNG files it can find, and convert those to WEBP files. This option should be used in conjunction with a specific implementation for a component. It should convert the existing URL for an image to a WEBP variant. When running this in a development environment, without having access to the WEBP file, a condition is added which checks if a WEBP source set should be used. Make sure to change this when running the build, so the sourceset is added to the result.

<script lang="ts">
    export let imageSrc:string;
    export let imageAlt:string;
    let useWebp = import.meta.env.VITE_USE_WEBP; // Or another environment variable that you would like to use

    $: imageSrcWebp = imageSrc.replace(/jpg|jpeg|png/g,"webp");

    {#if useWebp}
        <source srcset="{imageSrcWebp}" type="image/webp"> 
    <img src="{imageSrc}" alt="{imageAlt}">


The Changelog for this package is available on GitHub.



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