Electron-Sveltekit-5 Svelte Themes

Electron Sveltekit 5

Build Electron apps using Sveltekit 5.

Electron + SvelteKit 5 Template

This is a template project for building desktop applications using Electron and SvelteKit 5. It includes a modern development setup with live-reload, static builds, and cross-platform packaging using electron-builder. Powered by Bun for superior performance.


  • SvelteKit 5 for a modern, reactive frontend.
  • Electron for cross-platform desktop app development.
  • TailwindCSS for utility-first styling.
  • Development workflow with live-reloading for both Electron and SvelteKit.
  • Cross-platform packaging via electron-builder.
  • Prettier integration for code formatting (including Tailwind and Svelte support).

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Bun (version 1.0 or higher)
  • Node.js (for compatibility)
  • Git (for version control)


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/electron-sveltekit-template.git
    cd electron-sveltekit-template
  2. Install dependencies using Bun:

    bun install


Start the development environment with live-reloading:

bun run dev

This will concurrently:

  • Start the SvelteKit development server.
  • Launch the Electron application once the SvelteKit server is ready.

Building the Application

Build SvelteKit

To build the SvelteKit app:

bun run build:svelte

This creates the static frontend files in the dist folder.

Package for Production

To package the application for your platform:

  • Windows:

    bun run build:electron:win
  • Mac:

    bun run build:electron:mac
  • Linux:

    bun run build:electron:linux

The output package can be found in the dist folder.

Commands Overview

Command Description
bun run dev Start the development environment with live-reloading.
bun run build:svelte Build the SvelteKit frontend for production.
bun run build:electron:win Package the app for Windows.
bun run build:electron:mac Package the app for Mac.
bun run build:electron:linux Package the app for Linux.

Project Structure

├── src/
│   ├── backend/        # Electron main process
│   │   └── main.js
│   │   └── preload.js
│   ├── routes/         # SvelteKit routes
│   └── app.html        # HTML entry point
├── dist/               # Build output
├── package.json        # Project dependencies and scripts
└── vite.config.js      # Vite configuration

Technologies Used

  • Bun (for lightning-fast package management and scripts)
  • SvelteKit 5
  • Electron
  • Vite
  • TailwindCSS
  • electron-builder
  • Prettier


Feel free to fork this repository and make your own changes. Contributions are welcome!

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