Super simple web-application for tracking tasks.
You can use this in your browser at But since GitHub pages is hosting static files, there is no backend, and all data is saved to a local file.
With database
In docker container
I don't know how to link containers without docker-compose, so
git clone -b release
cd tasker
or, without history (less repository size)
git clone -b release --single-branch --depth=1
cd tasker
docker-compose up -d tasker
Then open http://localhost:11697
If you want to manage your database (e.g. delete tasks), you also need to run adminer:
docker-compose up -d tasker adminer
The adminer interface will be opened on http://localhost:8080
System - PostgreSQL
, server - db
, username and password: postgres
, database - tasker_repo
docker-compose up -d db
cd server
# dependencies
mix deps.get
iex -S mix
# run migrations in dev db
cd web
yarn install
yarn dev
Or, execute script for running in tmux
Then open http://localhost:8080
See also server/
Counted with tokei
$ tokei
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
TSX 10 546 471 12 63
TypeScript 22 597 442 70 85
Total 32 1143 913 82 148
JavaScript 17 400 326 16 58
Svelte 10 265 226 5 34
|- JavaScript 10 125 95 1 29
Total 27 790 647 22 121
Commit for TypeScript: 759230c
, for Svelte and JavaScript: 8628398