

My resume page written in Svelte to study the technology and create a template that others can use and learn.

My resume template made with Svelte

To learn the Svelte technology, I decided to undertake a personal project that would serve as my own online resume or curriculum. Through this project, I was able to put into practice the various concepts and techniques I had learned about Svelte, such as component architecture, reactive programming, and the use of external APIs. I still need to update the template with a Lorem Ipsum ( or Bacon Ipsum ) text but here you can start with mine and change as you wish.

Cloning and running the project

# clone the project in the current directory
gh repo clone isslerman/resume
cd resume
npm install
npm run dev  

# After running you can access in you local browser. Probably at: 

# To build the final version, run build and upload the files to a server. 
npm run build

Changing the data

src/routes/+page.svelte - main content src/componentes - svelte components lib/images - images


Resume examples:

Static site generation

To create the static build, I used Svelte's built-in functionality to generate a production-ready version of the website. This involved optimizing the code, removing unnecessary dependencies, and minifying the CSS and JavaScript files.

Once you had the static build, you can uploaded it to your personal server and configured it to serve the website.

If you prefer you can deploy to Vercel, they have some free options too. More info here:

npm run build

Your static files can be found at /build directory

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