
Histoire Sveltekit

Template for new projects with support to Histoire, SvelteKit, Typescript, Plop, Vitest and Tailwind CSS.

Histoire + SvelteKit + TS + Vitest + Tailwind CSS

Template repository for new projects with support to Histoire, SvelteKit, Typescript, Plop, Vitest and Tailwind CSS.


  1. Above the file list for this template, click Use this template.

Read more here about Creating a repository from a template.

Run Histoire

# Install the project dependencies.
npm run install # or pnpm install

# Run Histoire
npm run story # pnpm story

Create a new component

It makes use of plopjs to scaffold all the files (definition, test suite, story) for a new component.

npm run plop (or pnpm plop)


Free and open-source software under the MIT License

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