
Figma Plugin With Svelte

Figma Plugin With Svelte Boilerplate

A little template for creating Figma plugins with React and TypeScript, while Vite and esbuild are used to bundle the code. The code contains an example of the sample plugin that creates rectangles on the canvas when user clicks a button.

Project Structure

The template provides two separate folders to work on the backend logic and the UI independently. Each folder contains its own tsconfig.json file and additional configs for the respective bundlers. The /plugin folder includes the esbuild configuration file, while the /ui folder contains Vite settings.

In the /plugin folder, index.ts serves as an entry point for the backend logic, while in the ui/ folder, main.tsx serves the same purpose for the UI. Feel free to move things around and add additional structures inside these folders as needed. Don’t forget to adjust the config files in case the entry points are changed.

├─ plugin/
│  ├─ tsconfig.json
│  ├─ esbuild.msj
│  ├─ index.ts
│  ├─ …
├─ ui/
│  ├─ tsconfig.json
│  ├─ tsconfig.node.json
│  ├─ vite-env.d.ts
│  ├─ vite.config.ts
│  ├─ main.tsx
│  ├─ …

List of Scripts

There are two sets of commands in package.json: one covers the plugin logic and the other is for the UI development. Run plugin:dev and ui:dev in parallel to track changes from both sides. To build the production code, execute plugin:build followed by ui:build.

"scripts": {
    // Plugin (aka backend) related scripts
    "plugin:tsc":     "tsc -p plugin/tsconfig.json",
    "plugin:dev":     "npm run esbuild -- watch",
    "plugin:build":   "npm run plugin:tsc && npm run esbuild -- build",

    // UI scripts
    "ui:tsc":         "tsc -p ui/tsconfig.json",
    "ui:dev":         "npm run vite:build -- --watch",
    "ui:build":       "npm run vite:build && npm run ui:tsc",

    // Technical scripts 
    "esbuild": "node plugin/esbuild.mjs",
    "vite:build": "vite build --config ui/vite.config.ts"

Development Process

  1. Clone this repository and install developer dependencies using npm install -D command.
  2. In Figma, go to PluginsDevelopmentNew Plugin… and enter your plugin name (it can be an arbitary string, it won’t be used anywhere).
  3. On the same screen, choose the type of the plugin: it could be either Figma design + FigJam or just Figma design. After that, click “Next“.
  4. Figma suggests different templates depending on which plugin you want to create: Empty, Run once, With UI & browser APIs. Since we’re gonna write our plugin from scratch, you can select any of the three options.
  5. Click “Save as“ and specify a temporary folder where you'd want to save Figma’s output.
  6. Open that folder, find manifest.json and copy the values of the properties called id and editorType. Paste these values to the manifest.json stored in the cloned repository.
  7. Back in Figma, go to PluginsManage Plugins…, find the plugin you’ve created and remove it.
  8. Then, go to PluginsDevelopmentImport plugin from manifest… and select manifest.json stored in this repository.
  9. Write some code, save and build it.

Plugins Built Upon This Template


  1. Figma's introduction to plugin development
  2. API Reference

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