The primary technologies are those listed above, but I can't put every dependency from my package.json
as a badge. For the icons, Tabler and Simple Icons are used for some social media icons that weren't available in the Lucide icon set, which is the main one. Most hard skill icons are sourced from svgl, or, if not available, from online sources.
Here are some more tools and resources used in the page that may be of interest to someone:
🖱️ Lenis - For a lightweight, robust and performant smooth scroll.
✉️ Resend - The email API for developers.
💬 Tippy - The complete tooltip, popover, dropdown, and menu solution for the web.
🤖 Valibot - The modular and type safe schema library for validating structural data.
There are special routes of my domain that automatically redirect to some of my profiles. These are: