
Open source icons for your next Svelte project.

Visit iconslib.com for more info.


To install the package please run:

npm install @iconslib/svelte
# or for yarn
yarn add @iconslib/svelte
# or for pnpm
pnpm install @iconslib/svelte


Once you've forked this project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), run npm run prepare to download and prepare icon packs.

Everything inside src/lib is part of the library.


To build this library run:

npm run package

This will download and prepare all the icon packs.

How to add a new pack

  1. Add a corresponding folder into packs folder
  2. Add a prepare.mjs file into the newly created directory
  3. Use other prepare.mjs files as an inspiration to create the script for the pack you are going to add
  4. Add new script to scripts/prepare.mjs file
  5. Run your script via npm run prepare <new-pack-slug>
  6. Add new exports to package.json (check other exports for an example)
  7. Test if icons import and display normally
  8. Build
  9. Commit
  10. PR

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