svelte-lingui Svelte Themes

Svelte Lingui

Internationalization, localization and translation of Svelte and Sapper apps.

svelte-lingui – i10n for Svelte

This is a first stab at building a reusable module for internationalization, localization and translation of Svelte and Sapper apps.


yarn add --dev svelte-lingui @lingui/core@next # or npm i --save-dev svelte-lingui @lingui/core@next


Wrap your app in a provider:

<Provider config={{ ...LinguiConfig }}>
  <App />

Use Text component for messages:

<Text message={'Hello {name}'} props={{ name }} />

Or use context to access the i18n object from Lingui directly:

const i18n = getContext("i18n");   // returns a store
$i18n._(message, props)

Checkout the code inside /dev for a full example.


There is a dev app available inside the /dev folder that can be used for testing and experimenting with the components. To start it simply run:

yarn dev # or npm run dev


  • Evaluate other i18n/translation libraries (fluent + fluent-compiler, ttag, etc)
  • Implement language detection/negotiation (client side + sapper middleware)
  • Sapper routing

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