sveltekit-hygraph-spacex-starter Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Hygraph Spacex Starter

Starter project built with GraphCMS, SvelteKit and Tailwind with DaisyUI

Jamstack Explorers GraphCMS and SvelteKit

Minimalist SpeceX website built with SvelteKit, Tailwind, DaisyUI, and deployed to Netlify.

The stack

This is an example project using SpaceX API data in a GraphCMS schema.

  • GraphCMS: Manage mission and launch data.
  • SvelteKit: A powerful framework that lets us query data and use endpoints for server side data.
  • Netlify: For an intuitive Git based workflow with seamless publishing, instant cache invalidation and atomic deploys.

How to use


Rename the sample.env file to .env and add your own Content API endpoint.

mv sample.env .env

Install dependencies and run local dev server:

npm i
npm run dev

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