Dukecs Apt

Repo for a svelte redesign of Duke CS's APT submission system

APT submission front end

Written in Svelte (using sveltekit), this light and performant frontend can be used to setup APT submissions in a CS course. This app provides a framework similar to coding challenges online such as leetcode, hackerrank, etc. Key features include inbuilt IDE, tags for questions, customizability, dark mode, etc.

Customization and Configuration

In the file preconfig.yaml, change the value of the variables. This should allow a decent amount of theme and color scheme customization. Further, info for each APT can be added here.

To Run

add stuff about preconfig script 

npm i

npm run dev 


Sveltekit's output can either be a server or a static build folder (Link to sveltekit documentation) (this project by default is set to the latter). To build:

npm run build

This static folder can be hosted easily as a JAM-stack application.

Further Documentation

Each file has top level comments detailing its use, the files to focus on are src/index.svelte and src/routes/APT/[slug].svelte. The first is the home page as well as the past submissions page, and the latter is the page for submitting and coding.

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