nagp-svelte-assignment Svelte Themes

Nagp Svelte Assignment

NAGP Batch 2 - Svelte Home Assignment

The link to the deployed web application is here. The application has been deployed on Netlify.

Package structure

The project is divided into 2 parts -

  1. nagp-svelte-project
  2. login-svelte-assignment

login-svelte-assignment Svelte application is the entry point of the application, and the credentials to login to the application are as follows -

Username: husain

Password: Mukadam (case-sensitive)

nagp-svelte-project has the nested listing component that is integrated in the login-svelte-assignment as a Plugin, I've also commented out the code where it's being integrated as a web component through the <script> tag.

Note: I was facing issues with CORs and had to add _headers file to enable CORs in order for it to work with the deployed nested components after the user logs in.

The link to the nested components Svelte application is here.

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