laravel-blade-calendar Svelte Themes

Laravel Blade Calendar

A Calendar application I developed with Laravel for Portfolio. Vue.js and Svelte.js versions will also come.

Laravel Blade Calendar


To run the project, you must install Composer on your computer and meet the following conditions.

  • Laravel >= 8.x
  • PHP >= 7.4

Download with zip file

  • Download the zip file of the project to your computer with the green code button.
  • Extract the file from the zip.

Download with git

If git is not installed on your computer, install the appropriate one for your operating system from this link

  • Open the terminal screen and paste the code below and run it.

    git clone


  • Rename the file named .env.example in the project file to .env .

  • Save your database information in the appropriate place in the .env file.

  • Enter the project file from the terminal and paste the following codes respectively.

    composer install
    php artisan key:generate
    php artisan storage:link
    php artisan migrate:fresh
    php artisan db:seed
    php artisan optimize
    php artisan serve
  • You can access the project from 'localhost:8000' .


If folder permission errors occur while deploying the project to the server, you can try the following codes.

chmod -R o+w storage
chmod 755 -R laravel-blade-calendar

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