sveltekit-rampup Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Rampup

Ramp UP: Sveltekit + Pocketbase + Hono SSE (Extra: ngrok on docker compose)

Ramp UP: Sveltekit + Pocketbase + Hono SSE

This project was undertaken to enhance my skills in several innovative technologies.

By working with Deno and Hono SSE, I explored the capabilities of server-sent events and real-time communication. SvelteKit was chosen for its modern approach to building web applications, offering a seamless development experience. PocketBase, a versatile backend/realtime-database solution, was integrated to manage data efficiently.

Extra: NGrok was set in docker-compose.yaml to make available outside localhost without the need to host it

Setup & Run

  • To use the ngrok. Edit the ngrok.yml file at the root folder, adding your API KEY there
  • Edit the docker-compose.yml to use ngrok URLs instead of localhost (the ones called from frontend)

Build the Containers

docker compose build

Run the Containers

docker compose up -d

You can view the application in your browser at http://localhost:5173 (SvelteKit default).

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