styled-svelte-component Svelte Themes

Styled Svelte Component

Creates styled components for svelte

Styled Svelte Component

There are some problems in svelte5. Use styled-svelte5 if you are using svelte5.

You can create a styled component for svelte, which is responsive to props, so you can create a component that changes style depending on the situation. You can also use the event handler.


npm i styled-svelte-component

How to use

For svelte 4

<script lang="ts">
import createSSC from 'styled-svelte-component/svelte4';

const SampleDiv = createSSC<{color:string}>( //You can set types of props here.
    'div', //tag name
    ({backgroundColor, color}) => `
        color: ${color};
    `, // A function which returns scss or css. You can use props here.

<SampleDiv backgroundColor="red" color="blue" on:click|once={() => {alert("true");}}>
    Snom is Ass

For svelte 5

<script lang="ts">
import createSSC from 'styled-svelte-component/svelte5';

const SampleDiv = createSSC<{color:string}>( //You can set types of props here.
    'div', //tag name
    ({backgroundColor, color}) => `
        color: ${color};
    `, // A function which returns scss or css. You can use props here.

<SampleDiv backgroundColor="red" color="blue" onclick={() => {alert("true");}}>
    Snom is Ass

Common Style

For example in Svelte 4:

<script lang="ts">
import createSSC from 'styled-svelte-component/svelte4';

const SampleDiv = createSSC<{color:string}, {hoverColor: string}>( //You can set types of props here.
    'div', //tag name
    ({backgroundColor}) => `
        background-color: ${backgroundColor};
    `, // A function which returns scss or css. You can use props here.
    ({hoverColor}) => `
            color: ${hoverColor};
    ` // Style for all `SampleDiv` components;

<SampleDiv.common hoverColor="purple"/>

<!-- Red background color and purple text color when hover -->
<SampleDiv backgroundColor="red">
    Snom is Ass

<!-- Blue background color and purple text color when hover -->
<SampleDiv backgroundColor="blue">
    Snom is Ass

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