Svelte SDK for thirdweb
Install both the Svelte SDK and the core thirdweb library:
pnpm i @holdex/thirdweb-svelte thirdweb @tanstack/svelte-query vaul-svelte
Add the ThirdwebSvelteProvider to your src/routes/+layout.svelte
import { ThirdwebSvelteProvider } from '@holdex/thirdweb-svelte';
import { browser } from '$app/environment';
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/svelte-query';
import '@holdex/thirdweb-svelte/index.css';
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
enabled: browser
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
<ThirdwebSvelteProvider clientId={YOUR_THIRDWEB_CLIENT_ID}>
<slot />
Import and use the ConnectWalletModal component in your pages:
import { ConnectWalletModal } from '@holdex/thirdweb-svelte';
wallets={/* Optional: Array of `Wallet` types from thirdweb (via `createWallet`).
If not provided, defaults to showing standard wallets */}
chain={/* Required: `Chain` type from thirdweb (via `defineChain`) */}
chains={/* Optional: Array of available chains for users to switch between */}
bind:open={/* Boolean to control modal visibility */}
onOpenChange={/* Callback function for modal open/close events */}
If you would like to allow users who logged in with inApp
wallet (e.g. Google, Apple, or X) to export their private key, you can use the ExportPrivateKeyModal
import { ExportPrivateKeyModal } from '@holdex/thirdweb-svelte';
bind:open={/* Boolean to control modal visibility */}
onOpenChange={/* Callback function for modal open/close events */}
Note that this modal is only available for inApp wallets. If you would like to check if the user is connected with an inApp wallet, you can check it by using the code below:
import { getThirdwebSvelteContext } from '@holdex/thirdweb-svelte';
const { wallet } = getThirdwebSvelteContext();
{#if wallet.type === 'inApp'}
<!-- Show Export Private Key button -->
The isInitialized
state from getThirdwebSvelteContext()
may show inconsistent values in Svelte 5 components. To fix this, create a local state that syncs with the initialization status:
<script lang="ts">
import { getThirdwebSvelteContext } from '@holdex/thirdweb-svelte';
// Create local state to track initialization
const { isInitialized } = getThirdwebSvelteContext();
let isWalletInitialized = $state(false);
// Keep local state in sync
$effect(() => {
isWalletInitialized = $isInitialized;
You must use vaul-svelte@0.3.2 even with Svelte 5 (not vaul-svelte@next). While this version has a drawer entry animation issue in Svelte 5, you can fix it with custom animation:
If you're using the shadcn-svelte drawer component with bottom slide animation:
extend: {
keyframes: {
'slide-from-bottom': {
from: { transform: 'translate3d(0, 100%, 0)' },
to: { transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)' }
animation: {
'slide-from-bottom': 'slide-from-bottom 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.32, 0.72, 0, 1)'
<DrawerPrimitive.Content class="animate-slide-from-bottom ...">
<!-- Your drawer content -->
pnpm install
pnpm dev
to see the test page with working wallet connection functionalitysrc/lib/
- Contains all the library's source codesrc/lib/index.ts
- Main entry point for the librarysrc/routes/
- Contains the test application code (not included in npm package)pnpm package
pnpm build
You can test the library using the app code in src/routes
. This directory contains a complete Svelte application that serves as a testing environment, making it easy to verify your changes to the SDK code in src/lib
To test your local library changes in another project:
pnpm package
"dependencies": {
"@holdex/thirdweb-svelte": "file:../path/to/your/local/thirdweb-svelte"
pnpm install
If you encounter issues:
Changes not reflecting:
directory"exports not defined" error:
:export default defineConfig({
resolve: {
preserveSymlinks: true
Browser compatibility: