svelte-spotify-clone Svelte Themes

Svelte Spotify Clone

A pretty boring Svelte-based Spotify client

This is a small little project that uses the Sp[otify API.

  • Get user playlists
  • Get songs for playlist and their "features"
  • Play a song
  • Simple pause/play viewing of song status


I believe in making random little things like this as a learning experiment. I want to eventually make a Svelte course, but first I need to get a good grasp on making things in Svelte.

Setting up App

Make client and get public/secret at Spotify Developer Dashboard.

Set redirect uri to http://localhost:5173/.

  1. copy env.template to .env, fill it out (see above)
  2. npm install
  3. npm dev...
  4. Click login to connect with your Spotify Account.

After this, you should be able to click through your playlists and play around.

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