
Svelte Fallback Loading

A svelte component library to handle slow and non existent images.


A svelte component library to handle slow and non existent images.


npm i svelte-fallback-loading


FallbackImage Configure a fallback image src that will be used if the primary image cannot be loaded.

<FallbackImage src="primary_image.png" fallback="fallback_image.png" />

LoadingImage Configure an image src that will be displayed while the primary image loads.

<LoadingImage loadingSrc="loading_image.png" src="primary_image.png" />

LoadingFallbackImage A mix of the previous 2 components, this allows you to configure a loading image and a fallback image. A fallback time can be configured as well, this will display the fallback if the primary image cannot be loaded within a timeframe.

<LoadingFallbackImage loadingSrc="loading_image.png" src="primary_image.png" fallback="fallback_image.png" />


<LoadingFallbackImage fallbackMs={2000} loadingSrc="loading_image.png" src="primary_image.png" fallback="fallback_image.png" />


Name Type Note
src string
fallback string Only on FallbackImage and LoadingFallbackImage
loadingSrc string Only on LoadingImage and LoadingFallbackImage
fallbackMs number Only on LoadingFallbackImage
alt string
height string or number
width string or number
sizes string
srcset string
decoding "auto" or "sync" or "async Set to "auto" by default
imgClass string Img class attribute

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