layercake-bar-chart-transition Svelte Themes

Layercake Bar Chart Transition

Simple svelte app to understand transitions using layercake bar chart

Layer Cake Example

This is a starter example for using Layer Cake.

Note that you will need to have Node.js installed.

Get started

Install the dependencies...

npm install
npm run build && npm start

Your app will be running at localhost:5000.


# if you didn't already install, run the install command
npm install
npm run dev

Your app will be running at localhost:5000.

Server-side rendering

This template also lets you pre-render your project, which will build out the elements that don't rely on any client-side JavaScript.

npm run build:ssr
npm start

Your app will be running at localhost:5000.


Sometimes you want to build out the HTML but your graphic still relies on some client-side JavaScript. In these cases, set hydrate: true in the config.json file. That will set the hydratable compiler option and the hydrate runtime option to true. It will also add a script tag to load the build/bundle.js JavaScript file.

Additional info

This is a fairly basic setup that has just enough to get you going with LayerCake and SSR rendering. For a more complete Svelte setup, take a look at Russell Goldenberg's svelte-starter.

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