
Chrome Extension Webpack Svelte Boilerplate

Chrome Extension Webpack+Svelte Boilerplate

I am starting a new project and had to create a boilerplate for Webpack and Svelte chrome extension, so I decided to share the boilerplate.

Note that this boilerplate also includes: ESLint and Less, they are ready to use. It should be easy to remove if you don't need them, just uninstall from package.json and remove from webpack config files.

Start Here

Installing Dependencies

npm install


When developing you can start runnign the Local Running command and any changes you make in the code will reflect on the dist folder.

There is also a pre configured lint, you can change the rules at .eslintre file. To run just run the proper command at Lint section.

Local Running

npm run start


npm run lint


The build will generate the production ready files, it has a few differences from dev, since it minifyes the files to make it more lightweight. Just run the following command and it will output to your dist folder, then you can just zip it and send to Chrome store.

npm run dist

Have fun!

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