hestia Svelte Themes


The virgin goddess of the hearth, the right ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state. Bring back our home to the internet by using Sapper/Svelte!


The virgin goddess of the hearth, the right ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state. Bring back our home to the internet by using Sapper/Svelte!


  • Node.js 10.16.3
  • NPM 6.10.3

Recommendation: Use tj/n as your Node.js version manager.


First, populate and install the dependencies.

$ npm i

Second, run server in development mode.

$ npm run dev

Third, open http://localhost:3000/ and you are now ready to develop!

Reserved Branches

Please remember that these branches below are not allowed for direct commit push except you are an admin and it is needed. Consider to send a pull request instead by creating a new branch.


This branch is our production level branch. Our https://www.proclub.tech/ is using this branch.


This branch is our staging level branch. Our https://hestia.proclub.dev/ is using this branch.

Branch Naming Convention

Adding a New Feature

Please use f/your_feature_here as the branch name.

Fixing Some Bugs

Please use b/your_fixes_here as the branch name.

Improving Something

Please use i/your_improvement_here as the branch name.

Development Process

First, create a new branch for adding our new feature or anything. It will be using master branch as the base.

$ git checkout -b f/our_new_feature

Now, doing some changes. If you are done, push the commits.

$ git commit -m "Your descriptive commit here"
$ git push origin f/our_new_feature

Second, send a pull request to staging branch for live testing. If there is any conflict, please fix it.

Netlify build preview will be available. Consider yourself to check the result and validate that Hestia is fine.

If everything is fine, squash your several latest commits. Let say that your changes took about five commits.

$ git rebase -i HEAD~5

Now, push your squashed commit.

$ git push origin f/our_new_feature

If there is any problem, just use -f flag.

Last, send a pull request to master branch from you f/our_new_feature and we are all done.


Current maintainer is wisn.


Licensed under The MIT License.

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