wails-sveltekit-ts-template Svelte Themes

Wails Sveltekit Ts Template

Wails v2 template with SvelteKit + TS



This is the Wails SvelteKit + TypeScript template. This template uses adapter-static(SPA) to make generated files embeddable.

Getting Started

Installing Wails


Creating a Project

wails init -n YOUR_PROJECT_NAME -t https://github.com/CRT-HAO/wails-sveltekit-ts-template

wailsjs modules is located in /frontend/src/lib so that you can call them like $lib/wailsjs/go/main/App in svelte files.

Live Development

To run in live development mode, run wails dev in the project directory. In another terminal, go into the frontend directory and run npm run dev. The frontend dev server will run on http://localhost:34115. Connect to this in your browser and connect to your application.


To build a redistributable, production mode package, use wails build.

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