phosphor-svelte Svelte Themes

Phosphor Svelte

A clean and friendly icon family for Svelte


Phosphor is a flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations — whatever, really. More icons at


yarn add --dev phosphor-svelte


npm install --save-dev phosphor-svelte


  import { Horse, Heart } from "phosphor-svelte";
  // or
  import Cube from "phosphor-svelte/lib/Cube"; // Recommended for faster compiling

<Horse />
<Heart color="#AE2983" weight="fill" size="{32}" />
<Cube color="teal" weight="duotone" />

[!WARNING] You might encounter slower compilation when importing components using named import (import { X } from "phosphor-svelte").


  • color?: string – Icon stroke/fill color. Can be any CSS color string, including hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, named colors, or the special currentColor variable.
  • size?: number | string – Icon height & width. As with standard React elements, this can be a number, or a string with units in px, %, em, rem, pt, cm, mm, in.
  • weight?: "thin" | "light" | "regular" | "bold" | "fill" | "duotone" – Icon weight/style. Can also be used, for example, to "toggle" an icon's state: a rating component could use Stars with weight="regular" to denote an empty star, and weight="fill" to denote a filled star.
  • mirrored?: boolean – Flip the icon horizontally. Can be useful in RTL languages where normal icon orientation is not appropriate.


Apply default style to all icons. Create an IconContext at the root of the app (or anywhere above the icons in the tree) and pass in a configuration object with props to be applied by default to all icons inside context:

  import IconContext from "phosphor-svelte/lib/IconContext";
  // or
  // import { IconContext } from "phosphor-svelte";

  import Cube from "phosphor-svelte/lib/Cube";
  import Horse from "phosphor-svelte/lib/Horse";
  import Heart from "phosphor-svelte/lib/Heart";

  values={{ color: 'limegreen', size: 32, mirrored: false, weight: 'bold' }}>
  <Horse /> <!-- I'm lime-green, 32px, and bold! -->
  <Heart /> <!-- Me too! -->
  <Cube color="red" /> <!-- red -->


Components can accept arbitrary SVG elements as children, so long as they are valid children of the <svg> element. This can be used to modify an icon with background layers or shapes, filters, animations and more. The children will be placed below the normal icon contents.

The following will cause the Cube icon to rotate and pulse:

<Cube color="darkorchid" weight="duotone">
    from="0 0 0"
    to="360 0 0"

Note: The coordinate space of slotted elements is relative to the contents of the icon viewBox, which is a 256x256 square. Only valid SVG elements will be rendered.

Import Optimizer

A Vite plugin that transforms named import to default import. This will speed up compile times during development.

-  import { Cube, Heart, Horse } from "phosphor-svelte";
+  import Cube from "phosphor-svelte/lib/Cube";
+  import Heart from "phosphor-svelte/lib/Heart";
+  import Horse from "phosphor-svelte/lib/Horse";


Add the plugin into your vite config file.

// vite.config.ts

import { sveltekit } from "@sveltejs/kit/vite";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import { sveltePhosphorOptimize } from "phosphor-svelte/vite";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [sveltePhosphorOptimize(), sveltekit()],


MIT © Phosphor Icons


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