tiny-s3-svelte-site Svelte Themes

Tiny S3 Svelte Site

Simple starting point to build a S3 hosted Svelte Site

Static Site Deployment Template

This repository provides a template for deploying a static website to AWS S3 using Terraform and a Jenkins pipeline. It’s designed to be modular and customizable for dev and prod environments.


  • AWS Account with credentials configured (AWS CLI or Jenkins credentials).
  • Jenkins Server with AWS CLI and Terraform installed.
  • Git for version control.

Repository Structure

  • Jenkinsfile: CI/CD pipeline configuration.
  • manifest.json: Controls deployment for dev/prod.
  • terraform/: Terraform configurations for S3 hosting.
  • src/: Static site files (e.g., index.html).
  • LICENSE: MIT License for public use.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository: ```bash git clone cd tiny-s3-svelte-site

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