sveltekit-ssr-cloudfront-terraform Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Ssr Cloudfront Terraform

Deploy Svelte Kit App as SSR in CloudFront with Terraform

Run Svelte Kit App as SSR in CloudFront

This is an example of how you can run a Svelte Kit SSR in AWS CloudFront. The client static files are stored in an S3 origin and the SSR is running as a Lambda Edge origin-request function. Deployed with Terraform

Getting started

  • Customize your vars in the file:

# AWS Provider

provider "aws" {
  # Make sure you have enough acccess level for 
  # CloudFront, CloudWatch, CloudFormation, 
  # S3, Lambda, Route53, IAM, SSL Cert etc.
  profile = "aws-terraform-example-profile"
  region  = "us-east-1"

module "cloudfront-ssr-static-website" {

  source = "[email protected]:georgepoenaru/terraform-lambda-edge-ssr-static.git"
  # CloudFront Variables
  cloudfront_alias = ""
  cloudfront_comment = " website"
  # The default one is "_app/*" for Svelte Kit
  cloudfront_static_behaviour_path = "_nuxt/*"
  ssl_cert_arn = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:*****:certificate/****"

  # Route53 Variables
  aws_route53_zone_id = "ROUTE53_ZONE_ID"
   # OPTIONAL: If your cloudfront alias is
  aws_route53_record_subdomain = "subdomain"

  # Static S3 Variables
  s3_static_bucket_name = "my_example_static_bucket_name"
  static_build_dir = "build/static"

  # Lambda EDGE Variables
  lambda_description = "My SSR EDGE Function"
  lambda_edge_name = "my-ssr-example-edge-func"
  lambda_build_dir = "build/function"
  s3_artifacts_bucket_name = "my-ssr-artifact-bucket"

  • Install dependencies
$ npm i
  • Build
$ npm run build
  • Initiliaze
$ terraform init
  • Deploy
$ terraform apply

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