svelte-with-rdf-libs-webpack Svelte Themes

Svelte With Rdf Libs Webpack

Getting RDF libs to work with Svelte (using webpack)

Getting RDF libs to work with Svelte (using webpack)

I created this template because I had problems with a standard Svelte rollup built template, and found that switching to webpack enabled me to use the RDF libraries I was trying out. This appears to be due to the libraries using outdated exports rather than default or named exports, though I have not verified that.

The result here is a test component for each of the libraries listed in src/App.svelte:

import TestRdfjs from "./TestRdfjs.svelte"; // Rdfjs adds 260K to bundle.js 1.4M to
import TestGraphy from "./TestGraphy.svelte"; // graphy adds 360K to bundle.js 1.5M to (using only the Turtle reader)
import TestRdflib from "./TestRdflib.svelte"; // rdflib.js adds 606K to bundle.js 2.6M to
import TestLDFlex from "./TestLDFlex.svelte"; // LDFlex + Comunica add 1.4M to bundle.js 5.3M to

How to use RDF libraries in Svelte

To use any of the RDF libraries listed above you can probably just use a standard webpack.config.js or copy the one from this project, but note that to use rdflib.js you need to add the following 'externals' in your webpack.config.js:

  externals: {
    'node-fetch': 'fetch',
    'solid-auth-cli': 'null',
    'fs': 'null-fs'

I expect other libaries will work with the same webpack.config.js.

Get started

To create a new project based on this template using degit:

npx degit sveltejs/svelte-with-rdf-libs-webpack

cd svelte-with-rdf-libs-webpack

Install the dependencies...

cd svelte-app

...then start webpack:

yarn dev

Navigate to localhost:8080. You should see each component produce output in the browser (and the browser console). Edit a component file in src, save it, and the page should reload with your changes.

Deploying to the web

With now

Install now if you haven't already:

yarn global add now

Then, from within your project folder:


As an alternative, use the Now desktop client and simply drag the unzipped project folder to the taskbar icon.

With surge

Install surge if you haven't already:

yarn global add surge

Then, from within your project folder:

yarn build
surge public

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