D3 Graph Visualisation Performance in Svelte

This project contains Svelte JS versions of the D3 Force Directed Graph example modified to allow testing on networks of arbitrary size. Different ways of implementing the graph are included so that their performance can be compared.

The implementations are based on d3-fdg-svelte repository (commit bc982a5). If you want to understand the approach and contrast their implementations, that is the place to look!

The approaches compared use:

  1. SVG elements created/updated by D3
  2. SVG elements created/updated by Svelte
  3. canvas with D3 hit detection
  4. canvas with a second context for hit detection

These can be tested with different sizes and topographies created with ngraph generators.

Get started

This repository was based on the default sveltejs/template, so refer to that for more information. Note though, I have modified it to use yarn rather than npm, so the essential commands are given below.

Note that you will need to have Node.js and yarn installed.

Get the code...

git clone https://github.com/theWebalyst/d3-fdg-svelte-perf

Install the dependencies...

cd d3-fdg-svelte-perf

...then start Rollup:

yarn dev

Navigate to localhost:5000. You should see the app running.

More information

For more information about the template used to create this app, see the README at https://github.com/sveltejs/template.

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