
Custom scrollbar component for Svelte

  • Cross-browser (tested on Chrome/Opera/FF; Safari and iOS Safari; IE 10+);
  • lightweight and easy-to-use;
  • highly customizable.

How to use?

Import component inside yours component:

import Scrollbar from 'happy-svelte-scrollbar';

Near your scrollable area place a component and pass two props:

<div class="my-scroller" bind:this={ iAmScrollArea }>
    <div class="dynamic-content" bind:this={ iChangeMyHeight }>...</div>
    observerTarget={ iChangeMyHeight } 
    scrollArea={ iAmScrollArea }
    showArrows={ true }
    buttonPressingMove={ 10 }

For UX reasons component watches on height changes from dynamic-content element, so you should pass it as a prop to Scrollbar component. my-scroller element is also required, because Scrollbar should apply scroll action on something.

observerTarget and scrollArea can be both HTML-elements and Svelte components. If they are Svelte components, you should add these methods inside each of them:

// observerTarget
export function happyObserverTarget() {
    return divNode; // bind it with bind:this in your markup

// scrollArea
export function happyScrollArea() {
    return divNode; // bind it with bind:this in your markup

Up and down arrows are available from version v1.1.0. Use the showArrows prop to control visibility. The buttonPressingMove prop can control the speed at which the block will be scrolled by the buttons.

Under the hood

happy-svelte-scrollbar uses:

  • In modern browsers: ResizeObserver API;
  • in legacy browsers: custom wrapper over requestAnimationFrame.


  • Horizontal orientation (for now vertical only)

Contributing and issues report are welcome!

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