Ticketer Svelte Themes


Simple Ticket service web-app. written in Go & Svelte.


A dead simple ticket service web app. Made in about a month from scratch as a university project.

More screenshots are here

Tech Stack

Ticketer is built on top of these languages, frameworks, and tools:

  • Backend:
    • Go
    • iris web-framework
  • Frontend:
    • Typescript
    • Sveltekit
  • Database:
    • PostgreSQL

Getting started

To get started deploying Ticketer for whatever reason. You can follow the steps below.


1. Update the config file

Take a copy of config.example.yaml and rename it to config.yaml. then update everything to match with your requirements. (Especially the jwt_key field)

2. Build and run the project

docker compose build
docker compose up -d

3. Mock the database

Ticketer doesn't come with an admin panel or anything like that; it just reads the movies from the database. so you have to add them yourself.

With that said, I already added a few random movies in sql/mock/movies.sql. execute it in your database.

You can also see the movie assets used for this sample data in the static/movie folder.

docker exec t-backend /mock

4. You're done!

Now open up the backend host (localhost:5552) in your browser and explore the project!

Folder structure

├── /_screenshots # Showcase screenshots
├── cmd           # go applications
│   ├── mock      # Mocks the database
│   └── ticketer  # Main API application
├── frontend      # All svelte app codes
├── /internal     #
│   ├── api       # API app called by /cmd/ticketer
│   ├── config    # config file loader
│   ├── mock      # Mock app called by /cmd/mock
│   └── postgres  # Database query and migration management
│       ├── /migrations # DB Migration files
│       ├── /queries    # DB Queries (to be used by sqlc)
│       └── postgres.go # DB Connect and Migrate methods
├── /static       # Static file assets
├── go.mod        # Golang dependency
├── go.sum        # Golang dependency
├── compose.yaml  # Docker compose file
├── config.yaml   # Go app config file
├── Dockerfile    # Backend's Docker file
├── README.md
├── sqlc.yaml     # DB Code generator
└── Taskfile.yml  # A set of commands

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