svelte-hoc-example Svelte Themes

Svelte Hoc Example

Example of using hoc in svelte to proxy all events and bound handlers to the parent

I've found a "solution" for svelte hoc to proxy all events, all properties and specified bind:* properties. Bad or good - I don't know, but it works good for my project ([email protected]). Unfortunately, currently bind:name works only if you define this property as export let name inside WithSettingsComponent.svelte.


We have components library and every component can use another component, for example, ContactForm uses Button inside. Every component can "load" settings for child components. From my opinion HOC will be quite good decision to avoid extra code lines like {#if settings.button} <Button bind:settings={settings.button} /> {/if} inside components. So, I've decided to implement HOC for components which have settings property and I do not want to render component until I received settings.


The conception looks like this components/Button/index.js

import Component from './Control.svelte';

export default withSettings(Component);


Currently we have this folders structure.

- hocs
- - withSettings
- - - index.js (just `export default`)
- - - withSettings.js (see code below)
- - - WithSettingsComponet
- - - - index.js (just `export default`)
- - - - WithSettingsComponent.svelte (see code below)


import WithSettingsComponent from './WithSettingsComponent';

export default function withSettings(Component) {
  // create wrapper for component constructor
  const creator = function (context) {
    context.props = context.props || {};
    context.props._component = Component;
    return new WithSettingsComponent(context);

  // proxy all exported module context properties to the wrapper
  for (const property in Component.prototype.constructor) {
    if (Component.prototype.constructor.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
      creator[property] = Component.prototype.constructor[property];

  return creator;


  import { beforeUpdate } from 'svelte';

  export let settings;
  export let disabled;

  // save arguments passed to the instance
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  const self = arguments[0];
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  const props = arguments[1];
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  const invalidate = arguments[2];

  // prettier-ignore
  if (!self || !props || !invalidate || !self.$$ || !self.$$.bound || !self.$$.callbacks) {
    // prettier-ignore
    throw new Error('Svelte api has been changed: there is no required arguments passed');

  // eslint-disable-next-line
  const { _component, } = props;

  if (!_component) {
    // prettier-ignore
    throw new Error('Invalid component usage: should be used only from `withSettings` hoc');

  let node;
  const bound = {};
  const changesCache = {};
  const Component = _component;

   * Trigger change event on bounded property with changes cache.
   * @param name
   * @param value
  function change(name, value) {
    if (!changesCache[name]) {
      // lock this value as changed to prevent infinite loop
      changesCache[name] = true;
      // unlock this value after event loop
      setTimeout(() => (changesCache[name] = false), 0);
      // update self rest props
      invalidate(name, (rest[name] = value));

  // listen to component changes
  beforeUpdate(() => {
    // if bound child component node exists
    if (node) {

      // create handlers for all bounds through
      // because we want to avoid infinite data loop
      // and assign them to the child node
      for (const name in rest) {
        // create bound callback with debounce effect
        // to prevent infinite data loop
        bound[name] = bound[name] || change.bind(undefined, name);
        // override node bound callback
        node.$$.bound[name] = bound[name];

      // with callbacks it is much easier
      // just override node callbacks collection
      node.$$.callbacks = self.$$.callbacks;

{#if settings}
  <Component bind:this={node} {} />

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