
A simple Svelte component for displaying dynamic tooltips. Automatically decides where to place your tooltip based on your preferences.

How to install

Add to your Svelte or SvelteKit project with the following lines:

npm install svelte-pdf-simple


yarn add svelte-pdf-simple

How to use

<script lang="ts">
  import { Tooltip } from "svelte-tooltip-simple";

<Tooltip text="my tooltip text">

For adding HTML to you tooltip you could do the following

<script lang="ts">
  import { Tooltip } from "svelte-tooltip-simple";

  <svelte:fragment slot="content">
    <b>Bold</b> text with <i>italic</i> feel

NOTE If you setup the tooltip text with both through property and slot, the text in the slot will be displayed.


If you are using svelte-kit you shouldn't have any issues after installing the package.

With a simple svelte project though, you'll need to add the following to the plugin list inside rollup.config.js file.

  "process.env.NODE_ENV": process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH ? "development" : "production",

The replace function comes from the @rollup/plugin-replace package.


Prop name Description Type Default value Required
text Tooltip text string "" No
placement Where to place the tooltip relative to the target Placement "top" No
theme Which theme to use Theme "light" No
hoist Whether the tooltip should overflow parent boolean false No
arrowOffset How much offset should the tooltip have from the target number 8 No
padding Padding of the text Record<Side, number> {top: 0.3, bottom: 0.3, left: 0.75, right: 0.75 } rem No
borderRadius Radius of the tooltip number 0.2 rem No
fontSize Size of the text 0.875 rem No
fallbackPlacements List of possible fallback places in case the tooltip is not visible in the given position. NOTE This does not work perfectly. Placement[] Opposite side of the currently selected one by default the tooltip placement is 'top' No

Placement: top | left | right | bottom | top-start | top-end | left-start | left-end | right-start | right-end | bottom-start | bottom-end

Side: top | left | right | bottom

Theme: light | dark



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