
Svelte Vector

This was the portofolio/website of Lucas Birkert (aka. KekOnTheWorld) written using SvelteKit.

You can find a public demo here


Archived on the 8th of July 2023

Lately I have become more secure about the work I am doing and the products I have published. This is why I migrated my github and site name to my real name. I wanted to scrap this website for a long time, as it performs terrible on mobile devices and got the chance. The new site is located at and you can find the source code here.


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Run the dev server npm run dev
  3. Edit some things
  4. Check that npm run build completes without errors
  5. Run npm run format and check that npm run lint completes successfully
  6. Create a commit git commit -v
  7. Create a pull request


This project is licensed under the MIT License

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