
Svelte Animation Example

Svelte Animation Example

This repo contains a small animation sample using Svelte (on top of SvelteKit). All of the significant transitions/animations are built with built-in Svelte tools and run smooth as hell.

Example of svelte animation using pokemon grid

Animation Details

Filter Animations

First up, animation for the filter "pills".

Check out the filters.svelte component for implementation.


The transition of pills from "available" to "active" effectively boils down to creating a crossfade send/receive pair (provided by Svelte!):

<script lang="ts">
  import {crossfade} from "svelte/transition";
  import {slide} from 'svelte/transition';

  const [send, receive] = crossfade({
    duration: 300,
    fallback: slide

and then applying these crossfade animations to the entering/exiting elements, sort of like:

{#if $inactiveTags.length}
  <div class="flex gap-2" transition:fadeSlide={{ duration: 300 }}>
    {#each $inactiveTags as tag (tag)}
        in:receive={{key: tag}}
        out:send={{key: tag}}
        on:click={() => activeTags.addTag(tag)}
        animate:flip={{duration: 300}}
        class="px-5 w-24 py-1 bg-white rounded-full text-xs"

The crossfade animations are applied via the in:receive and out:send directives! Ezpz, just need to specify a key for each element so Svelte knows where to crossfade elements to/from.

Collapsing the sections

The "active" and "available" filter sections will smoothly collapse/expand based on whether or not they have elements in them. That is handled via the transition:fadeSlide={{ duration: 300 }} bit above, where fadeSlide comes from a custom fadeSlide transition. This just animates section's height/opacity to provide a collapsing/expanding effect.

Item Grid Ordering

Next up, the grid reordering.

Grid items reordering

You can check the source in the item-grid.svelte component. This is really gets me fired up: all that's needed for this animation to work is incorporated into the markup below.

<div class="flex-1 overflow-y-auto">
  <div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-2 p-2 aspect-square">
    {#each $availableItems as item (}
        class="p-6 bg-gray-100 rounded cursor-pointer aspect-square hover:shadow-lg transition-shadow duration-300"
        animate:flip={{duration:d => 30 * Math.sqrt(d)}}
        on:click={() => $activeItem = item}
        {#if $activeItem?.id !==}
            alt="Pokemon {}"
            class="w-full h-full"
            out:send={{key:, delay: 300}}

There's a fair bit of markup there, but the Svelte magic that handles the reordering animation is animate:flip={{duration:d => 30 * Math.sqrt(d)}}. The animate:flip directive uses the FLIP technique to animate the elements between their starting and ending positions. It's sort of... magical.

You might also notice there's a small fading effect when an item card is added or removed from the grid. Again, Svelte makes that magically simple. Just throw the transition:fade on the divs that are appearing/disappearing.

Item Selection/Expansion

And finally, the item selection.

Grid items reordering

This one is a bit trickier, but not much. There's a crossfade animation between the item grid and the active item overlay.

Since there is a crossfade that is shared between two separate components, we can pull the crossfade definition out and into a shared selectedItemCrossfade.ts file, which is then imported into the two separate components.

In the item-grid.svelte component, we use in:receive and out:send directives to use our shared crossfade send and receive methods:

<!-- ... -->
  alt="Pokemon {}"
  class="w-full h-full"
  out:send={{key:, delay: 300}}
<!-- ... -->

And in the active-item.svelte component we have a similar setup:

<!-- ... -->
  alt="Image of pokemon {img.imgUrl}"
  in:receive={{key:, delay: 300}}
<!-- ... -->

The matching keys between in:receive and out:send is basically all Svelte needs to make the crossfade magic happen.

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