

Template for client side svelte store

Svelte Store

Template for client side svelte store (unofficial)

live demo:

Quick start

npm install
npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:5000 and open dev-tools.


  • Copy all src/store/_svelteStore.* files in your project
    • For production builds rollup uses tree-shaking to ignore the debug version πŸ‘
  • Create a new file myStore.js based on src/store/templateStore.js next to _svelteStore.js
  • In myStore.js replace all "templateStore" with "myStore"
  • Delete everything below "Demo-Actions"
  • Define initial state in State as simple JSON
  • Write actions that call storeIn.update(actionName, updaterFn)


Svelte Store aims for separation of concerns by covering everything needed to run a client-side application without any UI. Think of it as the CLI to your Web-App.


For detailed insight of changes or the current state , all you need is your browsers dev-tools. No plugins, zero 0️⃣ dependencies (besides svelte).

  • ↔️ Track state diffs
  • πŸ” Inspect current state
  • ⚠️ Type warnings
  • πŸ“Œ Persistent storage with a single switch
  • ♾️ Infinite loop detection
  • πŸƒ Testable Actions
  • πŸ”‰ Audible activity

↔️ Before/After diffs on state updates:

See what has been changed over time. This is a debugging feature and deactivated in prod-mode.

πŸ” Full state in SessionStorage

See the full state tree to understand the current state behind the GUI. This is a debugging feature and deactivated in prod-mode.

Learn more about Storage-Inspector:

⚠️ Automatic type warnings on state updates:

The initial State of a SvelteStore also acts as type definition for the top level fields. If an action updates a field with another type, a warning will be shown in dev-tools console. No replacement for TypeScript, but free basic type checks. This is a debugging feature and deactivated in prod-mode.

Learn more about native JS types at Mozilla Developer Network: typeof

πŸ“Œ Persist in web-storage

The state can optionally persisted in localStorage by creating a store with the persist flag. Useful for data, that should be rememberd after a page reload or across tabs.

const [storeIn, storeOut] = useStore(new State(), {
  name: "templateStore",
  persist: true,

♾️ Infinite loop detection

SvelteStore can break unwanted endless circles of action calls after about 3 seconds, if an action gets called with an interval of < 150 ms.

This feature can be turned off in _svelteStore.js with settings.loopGuard: false. This is a debugging feature and deactivated in prod-mode.

screen recording of stopping infinite loops with a confirm dialog about reloading the window

If the users confirms the reload, the window is asked to reload and an error is thrown, to break e.g. for loops. If the dialog is canceled, the action gets ignored for 150 ms, so a long task may finish.

πŸƒ Testable Actions

SvelteStore gives you a hand getting startet with unit tests for actions. It's a good advice, to keep the "reset" action from the templateStore, so you can reset or override the default state before every test.

The setup in this demo-app is based on this article / and uses jest.

Go for a test ride with npm test or npm run test:watch to automatically rerun the tests on file-save ⚑.

To write a new test for an action:

  1. Arrange: reset() the state and optionally override it
  2. Act: Call an action an safe the returned new state
  3. Assert: Write an expactation for the new state

See templateStore.test.js for some examples.

πŸ”‰ Audible activity

When settings.tickLog in _svelteStore.js is turned on, every action makes a "tick"/"click" sound. Inspired by detectors for radio-activity ☒️, this way you simply hear, when too much is going on. Louder clicks mean more updates at the same time. Of course only in dev-mode.

Environments: Dev / Prod

No debugging-functions in production / test-runs, to improve performance. _svelteStore.js returns the debug version only if process.env.NODE_ENV === 'debug'.

command NODE_ENV value config by
npm run dev debug rollup.config.js
npm run build prod rollup.config.js
npm test test jest

Two Rules πŸ“–



When your actions change something (state Object, a list inside state, etc...), make a shallow copy of it!


let { list } = state;

list = [...list]; // shallow copy with spread syntax

return { ...state, list };

bad: mutation

let { list } = state;

// mutated objects won't be detected as a change

return { ...state, list };

bad: deep copy

let { list } = deepCopy(state);
// EVERY object will look like a change
// Svelte must re-render everything instead just "list"


return { ...state, list };


The callbacks for storeIn.update must not have side-effects and return a shallow-copy-state.

Every update modifies state, so if you want to bundle multiple actions, run them one by one - not nested:


export const multiAction1 = () => {
  // Return last update
  return storeIn.update('actionC', function (state) {
    let { xy } = state
    return { ...state, xy}

export const multiAction2 = () => {
  let state = storeOut.get()
  let { xy } = state

  // A or B depending on current state
  if (xy) {
  } else {
    storeIn.update('actionB', function (state) {
      let { xy } = state
      return { ...state, xy}
  // Return last update
  return actionC()

export const multiAction3 = async () => {
  // Follow the state of "xy"
  let state = storeOut.get()
  let { xy } = state // xy = true

  if (xy) await asyncActionA()

  // Re-assign updated state when using it
  // Beware that this practise may leads to bugs (see bad multiAction3 below)
  state = storeIn.update('actionB', function (state) {
    let { xy } = state
    xy = await api.fetch(xy) // xy = false
    return { ...state, xy}

  xy = state.xy // xy = false (!! don't forget to re-assign)
  if (xy) return asyncActionC()

  return state


export const multiAction1 = () => {
  // Nested actions are side-effects
  return storeIn.update('actionA', function (state) {
    let { xy } = state
    state = actionB() //! Don't call functions inside "update"
    actionC() // ...messes up state easily; not pure
    return { ...state, xy}

export const multiAction3 = async () => {
  // Follow the state of "xy"
  let state = storeOut.get()
  let { xy } = state // xy = true

  if (xy) await asyncActionA()
  state = storeIn.update('actionB', function (state) {
    let { xy } = state
    xy = await api.fetch(xy) // xy = false
    return { ...state, xy}

  // xy is still what it was before actionB. 
  // (See good: multiAction3 above)
  if (xy) return asyncActionC() // xy = true (expected false)

  return state

Anatomy of an action

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