This project was inspired by svelte-routing. It is written to work similar to vue-router
. Components are written so that it supports lazy-loading, routes need to be named and supports regex patterns.
npm install git+
Like in vue-router
, we create router in separate file
// router.js
import { CreateRouter } from "svelte-router"
import HomePage from "@/views/Home.svelte"
export const router = CreateRouter({
// optional
converters: [] ,
// required
routes: [{
path: "/",
name: "home",
component: HomePage
path: "/category/<str:alias>/",
name: "category",
component: () => import("@/views/Category.svelte").then(_ => _.default)
path: "/article/<int:id>-<str:alias>/",
name: "article",
component: () => import("@/views/Article.svelte").then(_ => _.default)
url paths are written, like in flask, where <int:id>
is converter. We have defaults, and custom converters can be added when router is created.
// utils.js
const defaultConverters = [{
type: "str",
pattern: "[\\w-]+"
}, {
type: "int",
pattern: "\\d+"
When router is created we import it in App.svelte
file and register router component
<!-- App.svelte -->
import { Router, Link, Route } from "svelte-router";
import { router } from "./router";
export let url = "";
export let viewProps = {}
<Router {url} {router}>
<!-- Link component can take string or object -->
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to={name: 'category', params: { alias: 'tech' }}>Category</Link>
<Link to="/article/34-my-article-title/"}>Article</Link>
<!-- Route component renders components by active route and provided names -->
names={['home', 'category']}
{...viewProps} />
<Route names={['article']}/>
Components, which are in Route
, receive data on current route and other props
<!-- Home.svelte -->
export let route = {};
<div>Home Page</div>
This package supports server side rendering. For this you need to create two entries, like in vue ssr. This is needed if you are making code spliting with dynamic imports. On server side dynamic imports not working and we need to make two routers. You can find it in the example.