A Three.js component library project inspired by the svelte-cubed project, and other wonderful tools like React Three Fiber and react-three/drei
npm install sthree-js
import * as St from 'sthree-js';
A standard THREE.PerspectiveCamera
A standard THREE.CubeCamera
export let envMap
$: chromeMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0x555fff, envMap: envMap } );
<St.CubeCamera bind:envMap/>
A standard OrbitControls
A standard THREE.DirectionalLight
useGLTF an easy way to async load 3d models in gltf format
import {useGltf} from 'sthree-js';
onMount(async() => {
gltf = await useGltf ('/models/gltf/Fox.glb');
model = gltf.scene;
<St.Primitive object={model} scale ={1} on:mouseover ={play} isInterative={true} />
A standard THREE.Group
<St.Group bind:group={group1} position = {[0,0,0]} id={'view4'} >
<St.Sprite id= {'view4'} isInterative = {true} on:click={exemplo} position = {[0,0,5]} group= {group1} />
<St.Mesh isInterative = {true} on:click={exemplo} group={group1} id= {'view4'} geometry = {myBox} position = {[1,1,0]} scale ={3} material ={chromeMaterial}/>
<St.Mesh isInterative = {true} on:click={exemplo} group={group1} id= {'view4'} geometry = {myBox} position = {[-1,-1,0]} scale ={1} material ={chromeMaterial}/>
<St.DirectionalLight id={'view4'} />
A standard THREE.Mesh
let Sphere = new THREE.SphereGeometry();
<St.Mesh geometry = {Sphere} scale ={1} isInterative = {true} material ={material} />
an easy way to place objects, cameras, light, etc.
<St.Primitive object={model} scale ={1} on:mouseover ={play} isInterative={true} />
sprite is a plane that always faces towards the camera
<St.Sprite isInterative = {true} on:click={exemplo} position = {[1,0,-30]}/>
A standard THREE.Raycaster to activate the raycaster sister, simply activate it on the objects: isInterative = {true} and on:eventname
<St.Primitive object={model} scale ={.3} on:mouseover ={play} isInterative={true} />
ScrollControls allow you to make scroll effects. it works with a container in front of the threejs screen. everything inside < ScrollControls > will be affected, including HTML components.
<button class="class" on:click={()=> press()} > button </button>
<St.Mesh geometry = {myBox} scale ={.5} isInterative = {true} material ={chromeMaterial}/>
it is possible to access scroll data through the ScrollProps store, the current scroll, and range functions: range, curve and visible
import { ScrollProps } from 'sthree-js';
$: if ($ScrollProps) {
r1 = $ScrollProps.range(0/4, 1/4);
Enviroment allows you to easily include an environment map or an equirectangular Texture such as a CubeTexture in the 3d scene, in addition to providing an integrated access to a CubeCamera that returns a texture already mapped from the current camera to be applied to your materials
<St.Environment files={'royal_esplanade_1k.hdr'} path ={'textures/equirectangular/'} bind:envMap />
for convenience is available by default: a selection of HDRI Haven presets.
<St.Environment preset={sunset} />
The option to activate a GroundProjectedEnv is also available
<St.Environment ground={true} />
Used to cut the viewport into segments, each segment has its own div, allowing you to have multiple views with a single screen. This resource uses the setScissor method to cut the screen into multiple views.
<St.Canvas frameloop = {'always'}>
<St.View isInterative = {true} id={'view1'} top ={'0%'} left ={'0%'} position={'relative'} >
<St.Mesh isInterative = {true} on:click={exemplo} group={group} id= {'view1'} geometry = {myBox} position = {[1,1,0]} scale ={3} material ={chromeMaterial}/>
<St.Mesh isInterative = {true} on:click={exemplo} group={group} id= {'view1'} geometry = {myBox} position = {[-1,-1,0]} scale ={1} material ={chromeMaterial}/>
<St.View isInterative = {true} id={'view2'} top ={'50%'} left ={'0%'} position={'relative'} >
<St.PerspectiveCamera id= {'view2'}/>
<St.Mesh isInterative = {true} on:click={exemplo} group={group} id= {'view2'} geometry = {myBox} position = {[1,1,0]} scale ={3} material ={chromeMaterial}/>
Using a sequence of passes applies the post-processing effect They are executed in the order they were added in the pass matrix. The last pass is an automatic process that renders the screen.
first add all your passes in an array:
import { GammaCorrectionShader } from 'three/examples/jsm/shaders/GammaCorrectionShader.js';
let pass : Pass [] = [];
pass[0]= new ShaderPass( GammaCorrectionShader );
transfer this array to EffectComposer:
<St.EffectComposer addPass={pass} >
<St.Mesh isInterative = {true} on:click={exemplo} group={group} geometry = {myBox} position = {[-1,-1,0]} scale ={1} material ={chromeMaterial}/>
<St.DirectionalLight />
This is a study project and still under development can expect errors