
Svelte Reduced Motion

A collection of utilities for working with reduced motion in svelte!

Svelte Reduced Motion

Works with Svelte 3 & 4!

A collection of utilities for working with reduced motion in svelte! Please create an issue if something is missing/wrong


  • Demo
  • Blog Post - Covers the importance of prefers-reduced-motion and how to use this package


npm install svelte-reduced-motion -D


Below you can find all of the different exports you can use!

  • Store

    If you want to detect & react to reduced motion in Svelte you can use the store reducedMotion, for example:

        import { reducedMotion } from 'svelte-reduced-motion';
        Reduced Motion: {$reducedMotion ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}
  • Prebuilt Transitions

    We ship all the svelte transitions ready to go, they use the same createTransition function under the hood! This serves as a drop in replacement for any Svelte Transition and allows you to use accesible transitions without any effort.

        import { fly } from 'svelte-reduced-motion/transition';
    <div transition:fly>
        I change to fade on devices that prefer-reduced-motion
  • Custom Transitions

    If you want to use a fallback of something other than fade or need more control, this method is for you.

    createTransition(base, fallback)

        import { createTransition } from 'svelte-reduced-motion';
        import { fly } from 'svelte/transition';
        const accessibleTransition = createTransition(fly);
    <!-- You can even specify the options as usual-->
    <div transition:accessibleTransition={{ y: -20 }}>
        Hello world

    But what if both my transitions need different options?

    No problem, here are a few examples

    const accessibleTransition = createTransition(
        [fly, { duration: 1000 }],
        [fade, { duration: 200 }]
    const accessibleTransition = createTransition(
        [fly, { duration: 750, y: -20 }],

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